Hey there, Maestro!
Need a hand setting up some powerful teams? Want to discover what kickass synergies can you accomplish with your toons? Look no further! Players Ljonhjarta and Rynth have put together more team guides for rookies and veterans alike.
Check them out and get your toon knowledge up to speed!
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Recommended Team:
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Team Description:
The monster team uses tons of friendships and passives to scare your opponents into defeat.
What’s better than a Defender with a two-turn Taunt and Sure Counter? Try giving it +30% Lifesteal and Sure Critical Chance! You can just do that with Ralph the Vampire’s “Life Drinker” and Dr. Dawgstein’s “Anatomical Knowledge” once you use Monster Tweety’s “Tantrum”. Thanks to Granny applying three Attack Downs for three turns to all enemies at the start of the match and giving Monster Tweety a Friendship bonus, when an enemy attacks him, he will hit them back harder and heal himself.
Granny does more than just boost Monster Tweety and weakening your enemies’ attacks. Her “Special Care” will make sure that any Defender is at high health after using Taunt as well as heal up Ralph the Vampire and Dr. Dawgstein if they become Hidden.
With Ralph the Vampire speeding up your team and doing tons of damage, as well as Granny’s protection, this team will still perform very well without Monster Tweety. Using any of the alternative Defenders will make a solid team. Monster Foghorn adds an additional Friendship bonus to Ralph the Vampire for more damage. Gossamer is able to remove Turn Meter from his enemies while Ralph the Vampire adds Turn Meter to yours, and Devil Dog is just a beast of a toon.
All three will benefit from “Life Drinker” and “Special Care”.

Recommended Team:

Team Description:
The Freeze team will prevent your enemies from being able to move as they await your increased chances at critical hits!
Every character on this team will apply multiple stacks of Chilly, quickly incapacitating your enemies once they have three stacks (as this will Freeze them). Frozen enemies cannot use any abilities and will tale extra damage when attacked.
Nobody does this better than Yeti Gossamer with “Frigid Wind” and “Gale Caller”, applying it to all enemies, and “Artic Heart”, applying it when he is attacked (which should happen often as he’s your Defender). On his own, Yeti Gossamer can be dangerous to your team – he will apply Chilly to his own allies” But with Winter Bug’s “Snowsight”, which gives every team member with Chilly +50% Critical Chance, it becomes a good thing.
When stacks of Chilly become too high for his teammates, Yeti can use “Yeti Breath” to remove them from his allies and heal for each one removed. Tourist Daffy can also remove Chilly from himself and Winter Bugs, with his “Can’t Stand the Pain” skill. One of the greatest strengths of this team is Hugo’s “Move no More”, which slows all Chilled and Frozen enemies by -15%.
Speedksate is an excellent alternative here. He is able to Freeze enemies instantly, can deal additional damage against Frozen enemies, and Gains Turn Meter if an enemy is Frozen.

Recommended Team:
Team Description:
The House Party team thrives on having multiple friendships and a balanced strategy that is both offensive and defensive.
This team’s strength lies in its high levels of synergy. Granny is the glue that ties it all together. Widely considered to be one of the best Support toons in the game, she shines even more with her friends. All toons on the team share a Friendship bonus with her and any time a Sylvester or Hector ally attacks, she gains Turn Meter.
Her “Special Care” will heal any allies that gain Hidden from Sylvester’s “Preparation” and Hector, when he Taunts. Tweety will supplement heals any time he calls on an ally to assist him with “Get ‘Em” and “Pile On”. Once Granny is able to use “Secret Recipe”, you should be in complete comfort and have the match in your hands. Utilize Granny’s “Scolding” to remove four Buffs from each enemy and Hector’s “Earth Shatter” to remove Turn Meter from them to stay on top in the fight.
Sylvester Jr. should be used if you are missing Tweety to help with heals. Both Grand Duke Sylvester and Devil Dog are fine alternatives to Sylvester and Hector as they still activate Friendships and passives for Granny and can be much stronger than their original counterparts against certain teams.

Recommended Team:
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Team Description:
The Hidden team empowers its members with powerful Attack Ups while remaining out of sight from their enemies.
This team has multiple reliable ways of keeping all of Desperado Dawg’s allies Hidden, so he benefits from “Ambush Bait”. This skill gives him 45% extra Defense and makes him the only toon targetable on your team. Sylvester Jr.’s “For Shame” and Sylvester’s “Sneak In” will grant large amounts of Attack and Critical Chance Up, as each toon gains Hidden.
When a toon loses Hidden, Sylvester will give them Defense Up from “Sneak Out” and Sylvester Jr. will be able to heal the team with “Oh, Father”. Desperado Dawg’s “Sniper Cover” will keep him well protected with additional Defense Ups and Heal Over Time when one of his allies lands a Critical Hit, which should be almost every attack. This team also comes equipped with two Stuns for those dangerous situations.
Ninja Ralph is the best option, as he will start the match with Hidden. This allows Sylvester Jr. to use “Kitty Pounce” on his first turn for an early Stun. Scarlet Pumpernickel and Barnyard Dawg have team-saving abilities that will hide any ally if they ever get too low, which has the added benefit of triggering additional Attacks and Critical Chance Ups.