As you all probably know by now, we recently announced that M4RV1N would be moving to our new Cyber team.
We’ve also been listening to all your feedback regarding this change, and we’re happy to announce that due to all your feedback, we’ll be making M4RV1N our first-ever dual team toon!
With our recent changes, we are looking at creating new and exciting teams, based on tighter themes from both an aesthetic and gameplay perspective, but we also understand the impact that this can have on past efforts and future plans for our players.
As our players have been highlighting in their feedback, in the future we want to avoid moving toons marked as “Final” in featured spotlight teams when possible, so players can confidently build up those teams moving forward.
For this reason, M4RV1N will become a dual team toon, meaning that any skill or passive that included and affected the Cyber team tag, will now also affect the Mastermind team, allowing for him to be used in both teams, but bearing in mind that he will also be prone to any enemy skills which target Masterminds or Cyber as well.
ALSO, as M4RV1N lost the ability to apply an Attack Up Resist with his rework, we’ll be reworking K9 to include this passive, that way the Masterminds team doesn’t lose that utility completely and adds more appeal to bringing K9 into combat.
More specific details will be shared closer to launch.
We wanted to thank the community for all their feedback throughout this update announcement and we hope this helps.
NOTE: The originally announced M4RV1N rework will still be going live as planned, but you can expect the dual team M4RV1N rework to be live in the next 2 weeks.