Somewhere, in ancient Japan, a noble samurai protects the Shrine of the Sacred Sheep, where a flock grows wool as soft and white as untouched mountain snow. This samurai — oathsworn and selfless — knows that daimyos across Japan covet this perfect wool and stands guard against their agents — shinobis of the night — whose ceaseless infiltrations test his resolve, discipline, and swordsmanship. One such agent — the infamous Ninja Ralph — has sworn an oath of his own, and as the moon wanes to its darkest, the duo prepare for a showdown destined for the scrolls of legend.

Legendary Ninja Ralph Overview and Good Team Combinations:

A proper assassin finally arrives to World of Mayhem. With almost-perma-Hidden, Ninja Ralph strikes with Piercing damage to one-shot enemies, dodging his way back into the shadows. Bleat No More keeps problematic enemies in check (denying Defenders Taunt and Supports their team-saving heals), and Thin the Herd rewards assassinations with momentum. Protect your Ninja and secure those wins.

Hidden Ambush

Hide, murder, repeat.

Desperado Dawg
Ninja Ralph
Daffy Duck
Sylvester Jr


Outback stops savvy opponents from hitting your hidden Ninja with AoE damage while Elmer cranks everyone’s Attack.

Elmer Fudd
Ninja Ralph
Outback Dawg
Cupid Elmer

Legendary Samurai Sheepdog Overview and Good Team Compositions:

Not so fast, Ninja (or any other sneaky sneak). Samurai Sheepdog takes his oath seriously, and your little pitter-patters on the Shrine’s rooftop are louder than you think. His signature passive, Busheepdo, presents enemies with a difficult choice: attack a high-damage tank with Counter Chance, or make him even higher-damage for the Single Stroke you know is on its way. Seriously, this is such a high-damage tank that it’s probably an Attacker — especially against defensive-team AI that won’t even recognize the dilemma he presents. Use him to destroy Hidden-based teams, or simply run him as the offensive powerhouse he always is.

Counter Dance

Take a little damage, give a lot more.

Samurai Sheepdog
Outback Dawg
Grand Duke Sylvester
Curator Porky

Good Against…

Ninja Ralph
Desperado Dawg
Scarlet Pumpernickel
Sylvester Jr
Phantom Le Pew
Ralph the Vampire

Event Duration: 4 Days

Featured Event Toons:

Ninja Ralph
Samurai Sheepdog
Cupid Elmer
Referee Foghorn
Siegfried Elmer
Starseeker Lola
Elmer Fudd
Marvin Fudd
Fishercat Sylvester Jr

General Highlights:

– Min Player Level: 30

– Bring your Featured Event Toons into The Canine Shogunate campaign to unlock Legendary Ninja Ralph and collect tons of Ninja Stars! Use your Ninja Stars to spin the Ninjutsu Wheel for a high chance at Cupid Elmer pieces!

– The final stage of each Act of The Canine Shogunate campaign has a chance to drop a Kunai in the repeat rewards. This Kunai can be exchanged in the Featured Store for an exclusive Player Title!

– In addition, play through the Ninja Showdown campaign to earn Legendary Ninja Ralph and Samurai Sheepdog pieces!

– Participate in our Solo Tournament to win great prizes!

– Complete time-limited quests to earn nifty rewards!

Stay in the lookout for multiple exchanges where you can exchange your Ninja Stars for featured rare toons and pieces for the following toons: Ninja Ralph, Cupid Elmer, Referee Foghorn and Siegfried Elmer.

– There is also a Samurai Helmet Exchange where players exchange Golden Tickets for Samurai Helmets. These Helmets are used to spin the Samurai Wheel, which is the only wheel with a chance to reward Samurai Sheepdog pieces! 

Campaigns Highlights: 

– Type of toons required: featured event toons.

– The Canine Shogunate Campaign will have 4 Acts of 4 battles each.

– The Ninja Showdown Campaign will also have 4 Acts of 4 battles each. 

– Please NOTE: All players that beat Act 1 of the Canine Shogunate Campaign will get Legendary Ninja Ralph! For this particular Act, make sure your Scout toons and Bugs Bunny are in good shape!

– As a final challenge, there will be a War of Legends Campaign which is 1 Act with 9 battles. Both Ninja Ralph and Samurai Sheepdog are required to enter, to unlock amazing rewards. 

Solo Tournaments Highlights:

– Compete in our tournaments to win Crests of Mayhem, Referee Foghorn pieces, Cupid Elmer pieces, Golden Tickets, Ninja Stars, Dry Leaves of all rarities, XP Potions, Gold and more! 

Time-limited Quests Highlights: 

– Complete limited time quests to earn Featured Event Toon Pieces, Ninja Stars, Tune Up Materials, and more!

– These quests will be available throughout the entirety of the event.