As the Adventurer team still braves the realm and delves deeper dungeons, season 24 comes around bringing it’s modest hoard of changes.

In most seasons so far, we’ve had a large batch of changes coming at once and, while in this season the number of changes will be considerably smaller, that’s only to give us time for what’s coming afterwards!

Of course, this season contains a few major holidays in it, so we’ll talk about why some changes are happening here, and why some aren’t:

Valentine’s, and the Hearthrob team

While their valued holiday will come around this season, reworks to the Hearthrob team are not coming just yet. Although we did want to give them a rework during this season, we simply have too much already ongoing to be able to properly give them all the changes we’d want.

In short, while Hearthrob will not be receiving a rework in this season as expected by many of you, their rework is actively under development, and should come to be fully realized in the next seasons.

That said, while they are under development, we still have changes to a few toons coming this season:

Balance Changes

As the year of the Dragon is upon us, and with the new Legendary introduced to the Lunar team, the rest of their cast is being brought up to speed, with small changes to a few members to better improve their role in the team.

Alongside the Lunars, we’re once again touching up some of the Baseball characters, specially in regards to their performance in their dedicated game mode, Alliance Wars.


With the coming of the Lunar dragon, we’re also introducing the Lunars to their own Theme skill. While not very flashy, it should still help the team’s baseline power to stand their ground and wrap up battles when reaching their Ascensions:

We’re also specially redistributing the stats of Lunar Bugs and Lunar Lola to make them better overall fits for the Attacker position when slotted in against teams each of them aims to counter.

Lunar Toro

The wise old ox has been a mainstay in players’ collections for a long time. While we did reduce the upper bound of some of his passive skills, this time around we’re bumping up his stats to both give him modern stats and reduce his overreliance on a large HP pool by significantly increasing his Defense.

Skill NameOldNew
Auspicious AwakeningWhenever a Lunar team member Ascends, grant it 100% Turn Meter. Ascended Lunar team members have +25% Attack for each Ascended<> team member.Whenever a Lunar team member Ascends, grant it 100% Turn Meter. While this toon remains in battle and if Lunar Dragonhorn is not an ally, Ascended Lunar team members have +25% Attack for each Ascended Lunar team member.
Lunar Theme Passive (New)Lunar toons are able to Ascend. While Ascended, they have +10% Stats and their abilities perform additional effects.

Lunar Petunia

Skill NameOldNew
Lunar Theme Passive (New)Lunar toons are able to Ascend. While Ascended, they have +10% Stats and their abilities perform additional effects.

Master Speedy

  • The order of Tune-ups has been slightly tweaked so that the toon has immediate access to his Ascension skill;
Skill NameOldNew
Lunar Theme Passive (New)Lunar toons are able to Ascend. While Ascended, they have +10% Stats and their abilities perform additional effects.

Tigress Penelope

Skill NameOldNew
Lunar Theme Passive (New)Lunar toons are able to Ascend. While Ascended, they have +10% Stats and their abilities perform additional effects.

Lunar Bugs

Skill NameOldNew
Lunar Theme Passive (New)Lunar toons are able to Ascend. While Ascended, they have +10% Stats and their abilities perform additional effects.

Lunar Lola

Lunar Lola is the one Lunar epic to receive a bit of a skill tweak, as we aim to enable her considerably easier access to her Ascension conditions and Counter Attack counterplay in Alliance Wars.

Skill NameOldNew
Lunging LongevityThis toon has +50% Counter Chance. While this toon remains in battle, allies with Taunt have +20% Counter Chance, and if this toon is Ascended, they have +25% Lifesteal. In Alliance Wars, Allies with Taunt have +30% Counter Chance Instead.This toon has +50% Counter Chance. While this toon remains in battle, allies with Taunt have +30% Counter Chance, and if this toon is Ascended, they have +25% Lifesteal. In Alliance Wars, unless Incapacitated and once per enemy, when an enemy gains Taunt for the first time, Inflict them with Deny Counter.
Lunar Theme Passive (New)Lunar toons are able to Ascend. While Ascended, they have +10% Stats and their abilities perform additional effects.


While the Baseball team is not too far off where we want them to be, the team still has some clear issues that we hope to address with a few small tweaks – starting off with their Theme Passive – which is receiving an effect of Major League Speedy’s Alliance Wars skill, “Left Field”, as a baseline, which should increase Baseball character’s overall power and help them get quicker Strikes when facing bulkier opponents.

Skill NameOldNew
Baseball Theme PassiveBaseball toons inflict a Strike on all enemies whenever they Defeat an enemy with a Critical Hit. Enemies have -25% Debuff Resistance for each Strike they have.Baseball toons inflict a Strike on all enemies whenever they Defeat an enemy with a Critical Hit. Enemies with a Strike take an additional 5% Max Health damage when hit by a Baseball toon and have -25% Debuff Resistance for each Strike they have.

Major League Speedy

While the changes to Clean-Up Hitter did help a bit, the low duration of the Dodge Chance Up buff paired with Speedy’s incredibly high speed made it so the character cannot properly maintain a good amount of the buff stacked. To address this, we’re increasing the duration of the Dodge Chance Up Buff while slightly reducing it’s.

We are also adjusting the effects of his Alliance Wars skill, Left Field. As one of the skill’s effects has been moved to the Baseball Theme Passive, becoming baseline, we’re giving Left Field an enormous amount of potential in Alliance Wars through a new effect.

Besides this, we’re also adjusting his stats for a slight overcorrection done by the ACME computers, resulting in a minor boost to his defenses:

Skill NameOldNew
Cleanup HitterWhenever a team member lands a Critical Hit, gain Dodge Chance Up and Cleanses a random Stat Down,  inflicting that Stat Down on a random enemy. Then, if this toon has no Stat Downs and once per each of this toon’s own turns, it gains 3 Speed Up.Whenever a team member lands a Critical Hit, gain Dodge Chance Up (up to 3) for 2 turns and Cleanses a random Stat Down,  inflicting that Stat Down on a random enemy. Then, if this toon has no Stat Downs and once per each of this toon’s own turns, it gains 3 Speed Up.
Left FieldWhile in Alliance Wars, Baseball team members have +10% Stats. While placed on Offense and as long as this toon remains in batlle, whenever a Baseball team member lands a Critical Hit, they deal an additional 5% Max Health Damage.New Effect introduced, Max HP% damage effect moved to theme passive.-While in Alliance Wars, Baseball team members have +10% Stats. While placed on Offense, inflict a random enemy with a Strike at the start of battle for each Baseball team member.

Catcher Catstello

To address some of the problems Catcher Catstello runs into when losing Taunt or being affected by control effects, we’re boosting “Nice Catch” so that he’s able to recover his protective buff considerably faster.

Skill NameOldNew
Nice CatchWhenever this toon gains Taunt, it grants all team members 3 Defense Up. While this toon lacks Taunt, Baseball team members have +50% Lifesteal.Whenever this toon gains Taunt, it grants all team members 3 Defense Up. While this toon lacks Taunt, it has +20% Speed and Baseball team members have +50% Lifesteal.

And that’s it for this season! While a smaller overall amount of changes, we ask for your patience as we bring you quite a large amount of exciting changes during season 25 and onwards!