Season 37 is stormin’ in with a bang, and it’s time to sharpen those swords and brace for the Shogunate takeover! First up, Sam the Terrible thunders onto the scene, ready to wreak havoc with his larger-than-life presence—look out, toonsters!

But hold onto your topknots, because the Shoguns are takin’ center stage! Daimyo Taz charges in with his no-nonsense strength, while Shogun Elmer plots and schemes his way to victory with precision and style. Leading the pack is the wise and honorable Marvin-dono, the Battle Pass star who kicks off the Shogunate takeover with a ka-POW!

Get ready for a season packed with wacky battles, samurai swagger, and plenty of toon-tastic fun!

New Toons!

Sam the Terrible (Epic, Attacker, Viking, Summit)

Available: 1/30/25 – 2/6/25

Featured Toons:

Jarl Rocky (No exchange)Witch Lezah
Lola FrostbaneDrone Instant Martian
Pillager Mugsy (No exchange)Ranger Dodgers
General PandemoniumSpace Emperor Marvin
Officer SheepdogOuter Space Yosemite Sam
Tattletale TweetyWitch Hazel
Gendarme PepeMr. Sam
Satyr GabbyWitchdoctor Hazel
Draconic HopperDevil Dog
Cyclops Hugo (No exchange)Ronin Canasta
Mermaid Bugs (No exchange)The Pig Kahuna

Daimyo Taz (Epic, Defender, Shogunate, Avalooney)

Available: 2/6/25 – 2/13/25

Featured toons:

Marvin-dono (No exchange)Hermes Road Runner
Satyr GabbyAthena Petunia
Draconic HopperBlack Knight Sam
Cyclops HugoBugs the Brave
Mermaid Bugs (No exchange)Elmer the Sure
Samurai SheepdogSylvester the Brash
Sellsword SylvesterFoghorn the Invincible
Warrior Monk HectorTweety the Twue
Wanderer LolaMarvin the Marvelous
Ares CrusherDaffy the Braver
Hercules AngeloSquire Sylvester Jr.

Shogun Elmer (Epic, Support, Shogunate, Avalooney)

Available: 2/13/25 – 2/20/25

Featured toons for this event will be communicated at a later date.

Battle Pass

Marvin-dono (Epic, Attacker, Shogunate, Avalooney)

Available: 2/3/25