Hey Loonerinos! This spotlight edition features the young and mischievous Baby Brawlers! All clad in diapers, they’re here to wreak havoc on unsuspecting enemies by constantly overwhelming them with massive amounts of Damage Over Time and by leveraging their passively boosted Dodge Chance to evade incoming attacks.
It’s almost their nap time, so let’s hurry up and meet the team!
Is it a duck? Is it a pig? No, it’s Lil’ Porky & Daffy! There’s more to this baby than meets the eye. As the leader of the team, his core functionality revolves around relentlessly inflicting Damage Over Time throughout the battle, and while at it, passively reducing the Speed of all enemies and hindering their ability to Recover. He gives his team the upper hand by removing Special Stat Ups, Stunning targets, and granting or removing enemy Turn Meter based on the severity of Damage Over Time inflicted. While most babies tend to spill and make a mess, this one’s got a reputation for keeping things Ultra Dry:
Lil Porky & Daffy understands that running a team isn’t always a one-man show, but with a Two For One strategy, he can passively strengthen his team’s Dodge Chance, further reinforcing their ability to inflict Damage Over Time.
As the cute and cuddly Defender for Baby Brawlers, Junyer Bear has a natural tendency to cause trouble when he gets too excited. By inflicting Attack Down at every turn and providing Defense Up and Heal Over Time to himself and the most vulnerable ally, he grants his team an edge in battle. He maintains high Recovery and Debuff Resistance while Taunting, and upon losing Taunt, he gains Turn Meter. Like a spoiled sweetheart, he’s ever ready to find solace in his Mummy’s Lap:
Quite literally out of this world, Mot is unlike any baby you would have ever seen. Whizzing across the battlefield on his flying saucer, this Attacker doubles as a teamwide buffer, consistently granting plenty of Attack Up to all team members. Fully committed to his squad’s mission, he inflicts Damage Over Time, also enhancing his ability to Flip Stat Ups as enemies begin to feel the pressure. Unusual as he may be, Mot seeks his team’s affection by Sharing the Toys:
Through sunshine and heavy rain, Gorilla Baby Bugs supports his teammates. Cheerily pelting enemies with coconuts, he has no hesitations about dealing Damage Over Time and inflicting Stat Downs. He remains focused on gaining Turn Meter either by ensuring that enemies suffer from Damage Over Time or by leaping to an ally’s aid when they fall below half of their health. He consistently heals his teammates and empowers them with offensive buffs like the occasional Tenacity Up. Though he may seem like a tough nut on the outside, on the inside he’s just as soft as a Baby Bunny:
That’s all folks! We hope the Baby Brawlers make it onto your roster. We can’t wait to hear what you think. Thank you for playing and Happy Mayhem-ing!