Hey hey everyone! With the current arena season fast approaching, we wanted to give a heads-up to you regarding some changes to Arena! This change is mostly targeted at the higher ranks, as our current system is not populating it as originally intended, making for a subpar experience in the higher leagues as well as creating some undesirable situations in our Celebration Arena. With these changes, more players should populate the higher ranks, creating a more competitive and fun environment as well as allowing for the matchmaking system to better calibrate Mask rewards.

The first change being done is to the Amethyst League rewards per Arena. As the original design gave equal rewards to all the sub-leagues within Amethyst, we’ll now be rebalancing the rewards so that being in a higher league within Amethyst grants more Champion Arena points. With this change, we hope to increase the competitiveness of both Champions and Celebration arena as more players populate the higher ranks, allowing for more diverse battles and a less rigid meta.

This will be done by changing the amount of Champion Arena points awarded to each placement for each individual Amethyst League rank, as such:

The second change is mostly aimed at the climb Diamond League. We are currently happy that Diamond League is truly a goal to reach for, but given the high amount of Masks required and the somewhat lower player population at higher ranks, we want to slightly speed up the general rank up speed as the player continues to win. For this, we’re simply adding Mask rewards to Champions arena, which should reward a similar amount of Masks then the regular Arena tournaments. 

This change should affect the ranking speed of ALL ranks, but our main goal is to make it so that the Diamond League is easier to reach, since it requires a substantial amount of Masks.