In the zany world of Looney Tunes, meet the uproarious detective, Dorlock Holmes! With a legendary skill granting a head start on detective hunches, this fast and feisty Scotland Yard sleuth brings chaos and deduction together. Wearing a comically oversized deerstalker hat and armed with an even larger magnifying glass, Dorlock not only boosts team speed but delivers high-speed attacks, turning every case into a Looney Tunes adventure of laughter and mayhem!

Below, find the details about this Legendary 7-day Event!

  • Event Token: Magnifying Glass (Seasonal Token), Walking Stick (Dorlock Holmes Exchange Token), Green Hat (Dorlock Holmes Legendary Wheel Token)
  • Event Energy: Event Energy

Featured Toons

Dorlock Holmes (No exchange)Desperado Dawg
Mr. Watkins (No exchange)Undertaker Beaky Buzzard
Inspector Eggbert (No exchange)Queso Bandito
Sorceress Petunia (No exchange)Prisoner Bugs
Joe MondayPrisoner Finster
Countess PenelopePrisoner Mugsy
Fair Lady MelissaPrisoner Rocky
Grand Duke SylvesterStar-Pharaoh Marvin
Grand Dukeling Sylvester Jr.Marvin
Chamberlain PorkyK-9
Hawk with No NameArchon Elmer
Yosemite SamStar-Pharaoh Daffy

Overall Structure

Play through the ”The Deciphering Clues” Campaign to collect Dorlock Holmes’s Character Pieces and event tokens. Spin the Green Hat Wheel to get more pieces and collect Seasonal Cosmic Star Tokens from the Cosmic Challenge Quests and Campaigns.

Daily Campaigns and Quests reward you with bonus Featured Toon Character Pieces and Event Energy to strengthen the featured toons and farm additional Dorlock Holmes Character Pieces.

Event Changes

Introducing Leprechaun Tokens. Collect Leprechaun Tokens from the Main, Daily & Legendary campaigns. You can also get Leprechaun Tokens from the Dorlock Holmes Calendar. 

Exchange the Leprechaun Tokens in the Leprechaun Token exchange for WB Charms, Cosmic Stones & Boost Cubes. 

Collecting Leprechaun Tokens will also give you tournament points. 1 Leprechaun Token = 5 tournament points. 



“The Deciphering Clues”
Battle for Dorlock Holmes character pieces! Farm for Magnifying Glass ,Walking Stick and Green Hat!

Requires: Event Energy
Chapter 2 of this campaign requires Featured Toons


“Trust Your Instincts”
Complete DAILY to earn rewards and complete special quests!

Requires: Event Energy


“The Witness!”
Defeat the battles and earn Dorlock Holmes character pieces and Green Hats!

Requires: Event Energy, Dorlock Holmes


Collect Tournament Milestones to earn Walking Stick, Dorlock Holmes Character Pieces, Event Energy, and more!

Complete Event Quest300
Collect 150 Walking Stick150
Consume 50 Seasonal Energy50
Collect 1 Dorlock Holmes Toon Piece25
Collect 1 Leprechauns Token5
Collect 1 Featured Event Toon Piece2


Collect Featured Toon Character PiecesEarn Event Energy, Featured toon CP, Golden Tickets & Marvelous Cosmic Stones
Upgrade Dorlock HolmesEarn Gems, Golden Tickets, Event Energy, Dorlock Holmes Tune Up Materials
Complete Cosmic Challenge StagesEarn Cosmic Star Tokens and Green Hats; Purchase Cosmic Challenge Pass to increase your rewards


WheelSpin withRewardsJACKPOT
Ticket WheelGolden TicketsFeatured Toon CP500-1100 Countess Penelope pieces!
Green Hat WheelGreen HatDorlock Holmes CP500 – 1200 Dorlock Holmes CP

Event Energy Details

-100 Event Seasonal Energy

-100 Starting Energy

-Recharge 1 energy every 6 minutes

-Refresh Cost: 50 gems (4 times), then 100 gems (4 times), then 200 gems

-Refresh Amount: 100 energy

Offers Store Toon Exchange

30 Joe Monday pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
20 Countess Penelope pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Fair Lady Melissa pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Grand Duke Sylvester pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Grand Dukeling Sylvester Jr. pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
45 Chamberlain Porky pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
20 Hawk with No Name pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Yosemite Sam pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Desperado Dawg pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Undertaker Beaky Buzzard pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Queso Bandito pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
15 Prisoner Bugs pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
12 Prisoner Finster pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
15 Prisoner Mugsy pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
15 Prisoner Rocky pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
20 Star-Pharaoh Marvin pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Marvin pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 K-9 pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Archon Elmer pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
12 Star-Pharaoh Daffy pieces300 Magnifying Glass40

That’s all folks!

We hope you are enjoying Season 25 and are looking forward to your feedback as we keep working on providing events that are fun and rewarding every day.