In the zany realm of Mr. Watkins, debuffs take a rain check, and buffs become the main act. Picture this Looney Tunes maestro: a virtuoso of countering attacks, ensuring allies are shielded from debuffs, and cranking up their power levels. But that’s not all! Armed with investigative finesse and a side of persuasive charm, Watkins is not just a support maven – he’s a charismatic dynamo on the battlefield.

Below, find the details about this Epic 7-day Event!

  • Event Token: Magnifying Glass(Seasonal Token), Ponderous Mustache Energy (Special Event Energy)
  • Event Energy: Event Energy

Featured Toons:

Mr. Watkins (No exchange)Roman Legion Sam
Joe MondayPrisoner Bugs
Inspector Eggbert (No exchange)Prisoner Finster
Lunar Dragonhorn (No exchange)Prisoner Mugsy
Lunar LolaPrisoner Rocky
Lunar BugsMagus Mallard Daffy (No exchange)
Tigress PenelopeShapeshifter Melissa (No exchange)
Master SpeedyPorky the Giant Killer (No exchange)
Lunar PetuniaMichigan J. Bard (No exchange)
Lunar ToroBugs Bunny (Bonus)
Hippety HopperLola (Bonus)
The CrusherPetunia Pig (Bonus)
Prizefighter DaffyFoghorn Leghorn (Bonus)
Cornercat Sylvester Jr.Tweety (Bonus)
Contender SylvesterToro (Bonus)
Highlander LeghornToymaker Marvin (No exchange)
Angelus MaximusNutcracker Taz (No exchange)
Warrior Princess She-Devil

Overall Structure

Collect Ponderous Mustache Energy and Event Energy from Milestones and Daily Campaigns to play through the “Crack The Case” to collect character pieces and Rank-up Mr. Watkins! Gather even more Ponderous Mustache Energy and Star Tokens (exchanged at the end of the season for Cosmic Stars) from the Cosmic Challenge!



Play through the “Crack The Case” to collect Mr. Watkins Pieces & Puzzle Pieces!

Requires: Ponderous Mustache Energy. Later acts require ranked-up Mr. Watkins.


Play through the Daily Campaign to collect Magnifying Glasses, Ponderous Mustache Energy, and Golden Tickets!

Requires: Event Energy. Later acts require Mr. Watkins.

Mr. Watkins requirements will progressively increase as the event progresses. 

Cosmic Challenge

Starts on March 4th. Must be player level 40+.

Fight to complete quests and earn Cosmic Stars from the tournament!

Requires: Event Energy. Ranked up Mr. Watkins.

BP Extra

Starts on March 4th. Must be player level 40+

Bring this month’s battle pass toons for battle tickets and extra New-toon pieces!

Requires: Event Energy. Michigan J. Bard


Collect Tournament Milestones to earn Ponderous Moustache Energy, Mr. Watkins Character Pieces, Event Energy, and more!

Collect 1 Assistant’s Hat10000
Collect 1 Mr. Watkins Toon Piece50
Collect 1 Detective Toon Piece5
Collect 1 Event Token: Magnifying Glass1
Complete 1 Wrapper Quest1500
Collect 1 Featured Toon Piece1
Win an Arena Tournament500
3-Star an Arena Battle200
2-Star an Arena Battle100
1-Star an Arena Battle50
Win an Endurance Tower Battle600
Open any Brawl Crate10
Open a Brawl Safe1000
Open a City Crate250


Campaign QuestsEarn Ponderous Mustache Energy, Featured toon CP, Seasonal tokens, Golden Tickets
Upgrade Mr. WatkinsEarn Gems, Golden Tickets, Event Energy, Mr. Watkins Tune Up Materials
Cosmic Tournament QuestsEarn Puzzle Pieces, Event Energy, Cosmic Stones
Complete Cosmic Challenge StagesEarn Cosmic Star Tokens, Puzzle pieces, and Puzzle Cards; Purchase Cosmic Challenge Pass to increase your rewards
Puzzle Card CollectionPlayers can collect Puzzle Pieces from campaigns & offers to get Puzzle Cards. Once players collect all 5 Puzzle Cards they can exchange their Puzzle Cards for CS7 Prisoner Mugsy, CS7 Prisoner Finster, CS6 Prisoner Bugs & many more items!


WheelSpin withRewardsJACKPOT
Ticket WheelGolden TicketsFeatured Toon Pieces300 – 1000 Legendary Toon Pieces

Event Energy Details

-100 Event Seasonal Energy

-100 Starting Energy

-Recharge 1 energy every 6 minutes

-Refresh Cost: 50 gems (4 times), then 100 gems (4 times), then 200 gems

-Refresh Amount: 100 energy

Offer Store Toon Exchange:

(Rotates each day)

30 Joe Monday pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Lunar Lola pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Lunar Bugs pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Tigress Penelope pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Master Speedy pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Lunar Petunia pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Lunar Toro pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
20 Hippety Hopper pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 The Crusher pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Prizefighter Daffy pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Cornercat Sylvester Jr. pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
45 Contender Sylvester pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
20 Highlander Leghorn pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Angelus Maximus pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Warrior Princess She-Devil pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
30 Roman Legion Sam pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
15 Prisoner Bugs pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
12 Prisoner Finster pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
15 Prisoner Mugsy pieces300 Magnifying Glass40
15 Prisoner Rocky pieces300 Magnifying Glass40

That’s all folks!

We hope you are enjoying this season’s events and are looking forward to your feedback as we keep working on providing events that are fun and rewarding every day.