The current Regionals format will be ending soon and will be replaced by a new recurring event.
Our last regional will be the Forest / Tasmania event, starting on 16/11, so we recommend you make use of all your stored Regional Energy and Regional Tickets as Regionals will not be making a return. The Gadget Wheel and Gadget Tickets will continue to appear in game, so you can still hold on to them.
As you’ve probably witnessed in the past few months, we’ve attempted several iterations of the new Regionals format. Although we did get quite close to where we wanted it to be in some areas thanks to all your feedback, you’ve also let us know that these changes were just not working for the community at large.
For this reason, we will be retiring our Regionals and bringing a new series of recurring events, based on re-runs of previous events, that will hopefully bring more chances at completing previously released toons and allowing more access to all levels of play.
We’re still currently fine-tuning the details, and we’ll be ready to share more info with you all next week. So, make sure to spend any stored Regional Energy and Regional Tickets before they’re gone and keep an eye on the blog for details on our next series of events.