Our team of Wrestlers is slowly making their entrance into the ring, as more of their members make an appearance in the World of Mayhem.
So far you’ve met the Spectacular and High Flying El Espectro the Legendary leader of the team, which hits like a truck and looks like one too.
Today, you will meet his Tag Team partner El Relampago! Speedier than speed itself, he has a powerful unlockable passive which will add an assist by El Espectro himself to his Hamstrung attack, while providing quick heals to the rest of his team.
We’re also going to provide you with exclusive sneak peeks to the rest of the members of the team!
The Masked Terror, an Epic Defender, will be arriving very soon in a new event currently slated to start on 11/19, while The Tasmanian Terror, an Epic Attacker, will make the crowds wait a little longer, with an appearance set for the beginning of next year.
The full team will rely around stack Stat Downs on their enemies, particularly Defense Down and Attack Down. Stacking Defense Down will be particularly beneficial, as it will synergize well with other wrestlers’ skills, making their attacks and heals even stronger! This team will be particularly suited for Arena matches thanks to El Toro’s team buff.
El Relampago
The fastest fighter in the Wrestling team who’s always looking to support his team members with a heal. He zips around the battlefield, cheering on Luchador Toro and waiting for the moment to call him in for the tag team’s patent-pending Double Death Drop.
Once El Espectro defeats an enemy, El Relampago’s Hamstrung will really bring down the pain, while boosting the wrestler’s turn meter each turn and boosting them with heals and Attack Ups.