Tired of their long-distance relationship, Petunia Pig has finally decided to move to the World of Mayhem to be closer to her boyfriend, Porky Pig! Help Porky Pig prepare for her arrival!

We all know that special someone who makes us feel stronger. Who inspires us to be at our best and elevates us to something greater than we already are. Petunia is not that someone, but her ability to increase everyone’s Max HP, constantly Flip buffs and debuffs and passively push attackers onward is unmistakably useful. Just don’t forget the box of chocolates, or else she might not even bother.

Off we go!

Good Team Combinations with Petunia Pig:


Petunia permanently increases her team’s max health, so let’s give her some meat to work with.

Sam Sheepdog
Petunia Pig
Hippety Hopper


Villains, outlaws, and monsters to make Petunia’s heart/Turn Meter race

Desperado Dawg
Petunia Pig
Phantom Le Pew
King Bugs

Event Duration: 4 Days

Featured event toons:

Petunia Pig
Porky Pig
Lunar Petunia
Bat-Suit Wile
Grand Duke Sylvester
Sam Sheepdog
Chamberlain Porky
Sylvester Slaszlo
Sylvester the Brash

General highlights:

– Min Player Level: 30

– Bring your Featured Event Toons into the “Long Distance Lovers” campaign to collect Featured Event Toon pieces and Rolling Pins! Use your Rolling Pins to spin the Pig Wheel for a high chance at Porky Pig pieces!

– You may also use your Rolling Pins on a limited exchange for guaranteed Legendary Petunia Pig pieces, which will appear daily in the Featured Store!

The ultimate test is here – bring in Petunia Pig and Featured Event Toons to the “Reunited at Last” campaign to win ACME Powder for spinning the Petunia Wheel! There is also a chance Porky Pig’s Pictures will drop, which can be exchanged in the Featured Store for an exclusive title!

– Participate in our Solo Tournament to win great prizes!

– Complete time-limited quests to earn nifty rewards.


Here is a convenient list of the tokens used in the Hogs and Kisses event and what they are used for:

  • Rolling Pin – Standard event token used for the featured toon piece exchanges and to spin the Pig Wheel.
  • Porky Pig’s Picture – A token that can be found in the event campaigns. Exchange these tokens in the Featured Store for a limited time title!
  • ACME Powder – A token that can be found in the “Reunited At Last” campaign, and players may also exchange Golden Tickets for this token in the Featured Store. It is used to spin the exclusive Petunia Wheel for a chance at Legendary Petunia Pig pieces!

Campaign Highlights: 

– Type of toons required: featured event toons. 

– The “Long Distance Lovers” campaign will have 4 Acts with 8 battles each.

– The “Reunited At Last” campaign will have 1 Act with 9 battles inside.

Time-limited Quests Highlights:

– Complete limited time quests to earn Featured Event Toon Pieces, Rolling Pins, Tune Up Materials, and more!

– Time-limited quests will be available through the entirety of the event. 

Solo Tournament Highlights: 

– Compete in our solo tournament to win Crests of Mayhem, Golden Tickets, Red Bows, Hydrants of all rarities, Gold, and more! As milestones, you’ll obtain Porky Pig pieces, Lunar Petunia pieces, Rolling Pins, Golden Tickets, Hydrants of all rarities, XP Potions, and more!