Hey there everyone,
With this quick message, the World of Mayhem team would like to wish you all a great holiday season! ¡Felices navidades! Frohe Weihnachten! Joyeux Noël! C рождеством! Feliz Natal! Buon Natale! めりーくりすます!
We hope you enjoy this time together with friends, family and why not, with all the looney characters we love and cherish.
This last year has been an incredible one, a year full of exciting updates, new toons, and lots of events. A rollercoaster, you may say, that makes us realize how much we enjoy working on this game. The journey does not end here and there will be plenty in stock coming down in 2020. Fasten your Acme seat belts, folks – it’s gonna be quite the ride!

Thanks again for being the true Maestros of Mayhem and for making all of this possible!