Hey Loonerinos! Bring your coats along because there is a chill in the air and the winds are carrying signs of the Iceborne’s arrival. With an almost cool and calculated edge, the Iceborne Flip and Steal Stat Ups, remove Turn Meter, and Cleanse Stat Downs. Using Chilly as a double-edged sword, they weaken enemies by reducing their Speed, Tenacity and Recovery, and empower themselves by boosting their Attack, Piercing and Max Health. Driving their icy resilience is their theme passive:

But what lies beneath the ice? Let’s find out.


The most abominable of all Attackers, Hugo names his enemies George and he hugs them, and pets them, and squeezes them until they Freeze. When frozen, he reduces their Max Health, Steals Stat Ups, and empowers his team with Lifesteal. When things get especially Chilly, he slows his enemies down and increases the Max Health of all team members. Those who fight against his icy embrace are often met with Tough Love:

As long as this Legendary Snow Giant leads the way, team members will remain in good health and enemies will find it hard to resist the cold: 


Winter Witch Hazel wields her icy dominion with reckless abandon. A self-proclaimed ice queen, this Attacker randomly Freezes enemies, makes it hard for them to heal, and inflicts Tenacity Down and Debuff Resistance Down. She routinely Flips Attack, Piercing and Speed debuffs on her teammates while Flipping Stat Ups and Special Stat Ups on Frozen foes, and if her team ever feels Chilly, she grants them Attack and Piercing. For as long as she reigns and wears her Ice Crown, enemies are stripped off their will to fight the chill:


Yeti Gossamer has finally come out of his cave in the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to Defend the Iceborne and prove that the legend of the Yeti is, in fact, real! A whiff of his icy breath alone lowers enemy Attack and increases teamwide Defense and Max Health. He draws his strength from enemies by healing his Max Health every time they Freeze and by boosting his Defense every time they lose it. When provoked, he sends chills across the battlefield from the bottom of his Arctic Heart:


Try as ye might, there’s no escaping a leprechaun’s snowy snare. As the Iceborne’s steadfast Support, Snow’Mike Cleanses his team of any Stat Downs, Stun or Silence, and grants them Heal Over Time. Like an unrelenting blizzard, he targets enemies with the highest Attack and Turn Meter and instantly Freezes them, which in turn enhances his Speed. He makes the Iceborne’s intentions crystal clear with his Come and Get it attitude: 

That’s all folks! We hope you find the Iceborne to be a cool addition to your roster. Thanks for playing and Happy Mayhem-ing!