Introducing Lil’ Porky & Daffy – half pig, half duck, all trouble! This tiny team is packing some serious punch. With sneaky speed reduction and damage over time, they’ll leave enemies waddling in circles. They dish out a mix of single-target nukes, AOE debuffs, and crowd control, ramping up to huge damage as the fight goes on.

Cute? Yes. Deadly? Absolutely. You wouldn’t mess with a baby, would you? Prepare yourself!

Available: 10/10/24 – 10/17/24

Below, find the details about this Legendary 7-day Event!

  • Event Token: Telephones (Seasonal Token), Lil’ Bonnets (Lil’ Porky & Daffy Exchange Token), Safety Pin (Lil’ Porky & Daffy Legendary Wheel Token)
  • Event Energy: Event Energy

Featured Toons

Lil’ Porky & Daffy (No exchange)Sylvester the Brash
Junyer Bear (No exchange)Bugs the Brave
Duck AmuckElmer the Sure
Rabbit RampageTweety the Twue
Toreador SpeedyBlack Knight Sam
Picador Sylvester Jr.Monster Tweety
Matador BugsO’Mike
Evil GrannyYokai Taz
The RapthcallionRevenant Road Runner
Nova BunnyGossamer
Supersonic HopperPhantom le pew
Squire Sylvester Jr. (No exchange)Sorceress Petunia
Foghorn the InvinciblePorky Pig
Marvin the MarvelousDaffy Duck

Overall Structure

Play through the ”Baby Bottleneck!” Campaign to collect Lil’ Porky & Daffy Character Pieces and event tokens. Spin the Safety Pin Wheel to get more pieces and collect Seasonal Cosmic Star Tokens from the Cosmic Challenge Quests and Campaigns.

Daily Campaigns and Quests reward you with bonus Featured Toon Character Pieces and Event Energy to strengthen the featured toons and farm additional Lil’ Porky & Daffy Character Pieces.

Collect Lil’ Stork Tokens from the Main, Daily & Legendary campaigns. You can also get Lil’ Stork Tokens from the Lil’ Porky & Daffy Calendar. 

Exchange the Lil’ Stork Tokens in the Lil’ Stork Token exchange for WB Charms, Cosmic Stones & Boost Cubes. 

Collecting Lil’ Stork Tokens will also give you tournament points. 1 Lil’ Stork Token = 5 tournament points. 

Event Changes

Introducing Baby Mayhem Quest. Participate in the Baby Mayhem Quest & get up to 30 Lil’ Porky & Daffy pieces, 50 Junyer Bear pieces, 30 WB Charms & more.

Purchase the Baby Mayhem Premium Pass to complete the Baby Mayhem Premium Quest & unlock a bonus reward of 70 Lil’ Porky & Daffy pieces, CS4 Lil’ Porky & Daffy & 4 Epic Boomerangs (epic gadget).



“Baby Bottleneck!”
Battle for Lil’ Porky & Daffy character pieces! Farm for Telephones, Lil’ Bonnets and Safety Pins!

Requires: Event Energy + featured toons

Later stages require 5CS featured toons


“Daily Baby Deliveries”
Complete DAILY to earn rewards and complete special quests!

Requires: Event Energy


“Porky and Daffy Take Over!”

Defeat the battles and earn Lil’ Porky & Daffy character pieces and Safety Pins!

Requires: Event Energy, Lil’ Porky & Daffy + higher ranked Lil’ Porky & Daffy for later acts

Lil’ Porky & Daffy is required for Act 1


Collect Tournament Milestones to earn Lil’ Bonnets, Lil’ Porky & Daffy Character Pieces, Event Energy, and more!

Complete Event Quest300
Collect 150 Lil’ Bonnet150
Consume 50 Seasonal Energy50
Collect 1 Lil’ Porky & Daffy Toon Piece25
Collect 1 Lil’ Stork Token5
Collect 1 Featured Event Toon Piece2


Collect Featured Toon Character PiecesEarn Event Energy, Featured toon CP, Golden Tickets & Marvelous Cosmic Stones
Upgrade Lil’ Porky & DaffyEarn Gems, Golden Tickets, Event Energy, Lil’ Porky & Daffy Tune Up Materials
Complete Cosmic Challenge StagesEarn Cosmic Star Tokens and Safety Pins; Purchase Cosmic Challenge Pass to increase your rewards


WheelSpin withRewardsJACKPOT
Ticket WheelGolden TicketsFeatured Toon CP200-800 Duck Amuck pieces
Safety Pin WheelSafety PinsLil’ Porky & Daffy CP500 – 1200 Lil’ Porky & Daffy CP

Event Energy Details

-100 Event Seasonal Energy

-100 Starting Energy

-Recharge 1 energy every 6 minutes

-Refresh Cost: 50 gems (4 times), then 100 gems (4 times), then 200 gems

-Refresh Amount: 100 energy

Offers Store Toon Exchange

20 Duck Amuck pieces300 Telephones40
30 Rabbit Rampage pieces300 Telephones40
20 Toreador Speedy pieces300 Telephones40
45 Picador Sylvester Jr. pieces300 Telephones40
30 Toro pieces300 Telephones40
30 Matador Bugs pieces300 Telephones40
20 Evil Granny pieces300 Telephones40
30 The Rapthcallion pieces300 Telephones40
30 Nova Bunny pieces300 Telephones40
30 Supersonic Hopper pieces300 Telephones40
30 Foghorn the Invincible pieces300 Telephones40
30 Marvin the Marvelous pieces300 Telephones40
45 Sylvester the Brash pieces300 Telephones40
20 Bugs the Brave pieces300 Telephones40
30 Elmer the Sure pieces300 Telephones40
30 Tweety the Twue pieces300 Telephones40
30 Black Knight Sam pieces300 Telephones40
20 Monster Tweety pieces300 Telephones40
30 O’Pat pieces300 Telephones40
30 O’Mike pieces300 Telephones40
30 Yokai Taz pieces300 Telephones40
30 Revenant Road Runner pieces300 Telephones40
45 Gossamer pieces300 Telephones40
30 Phantom le Pew pieces300 Telephones40
7 Sorceress Petunia pieces300 Telephones40
30 Porky Pig pieces300 Telephones40
30 Daffy Duck pieces300 Telephones40