Introducing Pentathlete Puma, the Toon world’s sports superstar! This stealthy attacker dazzles with stunning moves, health-stealing prowess, and lifesteal magic. Pentathlete Puma’s got the speed and smarts to outplay any foe, scaling up to a two-turn knockout! Get ready for a whirlwind of action as this agile athlete leaps into the arena, bringing a burst of fun, fury, and fantastic feats!
Below, find the details about this Epic 14-day Event!
- Event Token: Medal (Seasonal Token) & Pole (Grand Sports Chumpions Arena & Bonus Grand Sports Chumpions Arena token)
- Event Energy: Event Energy
Featured Toons:
Pentathlete Puma (No exchange) | Monster Tweety |
Ares Crusher (No exchange) | O’Pat |
Gymnast Lola (No exchange) | O’Mike |
Aqua Ace Penelope (No exchange) | Yokai Taz |
LeBron James | Revenant Road Runner |
Shooter Coyote | Gossamer |
Shooter Taz | Phantom le pew |
Shooter Road Runner | Don Henery |
Coach Daffy | Babyface Finster |
Dunker Bugs | Racketeer Rabbit |
Dunker Lola | Mugsy |
Dunker Tweety | Rocky |
Hot Rod Ralph | Star-Pharaoh Daffy |
Jalopy Sam | Star-Pharaoh Marvin |
F1 Cecil | K-9 |
Monster Truck Yosemite | Archon Elmer |
Hippety Hopper | Marvin |
Cornercat Sylvester Jr. | Wildcard Wolf |
Contender Sylvester | M4rv1n |
The Crusher | wile E. Coyote |
Prizefighter Daffy | Litigator Lola |
El Espectro | K’Chutha Sa’am |
El Relámpago | Bat-Suit Wile |
The Masked Terror | King Daffy |
The Taz-Maniac | King Bugs Bunny |
Toreador Speedy | Caesar Leghorn |
Picador Sylvester Jr. | Conqueror Taz |
Toro | Queen Lola |
Matador Bugs | Royal page Coyote (No exchange) |
Evil Granny | Handmaiden Granny (No exchange) |
The Rapthcallion | Captain Bligh |
Nova Bunny | Anubis K-9 |
Supersonic Hopper | Athena Petunia |
Sorceress Petunia (No exchange) | Hermes Road Runner |
Hawk with No Name | Henery Horus |
Yosemite Sam | Penelope Bastet |
Desperado Dawg | Thoth Beaky |
Undertaker Beaky Buzzard | Solid Tin Coyote |
Queso Bandito | Solid Tin Road Runner |
Outlaw foghorn (No exchange) | Tweet-o-Tron |
nasty canasta | Robo-Taz (No exchange) |
Outlaw sylvester | Tattletale Tweety (No exchange) |
Ronin Canasta | Gendarme Pepe (No exchange) |
The Pig Kahuna | Officer Sheepdog (No exchange) |
Witchdoctor Hazel | General Pandemonium |
Witch Hazel | Flamenco Prissy |
Devil Dog | Mr. Sam (No exchange) |
Event Details
There’s three types of Arenas available for the players to compete in. Sports Chumpions Arena, Grand Sports Chumpions Arena & Bonus Grand Sports Chumpions Arena.
Sports Chumpions Arena:
Players can compete in the Sports Chumpions Arena for free. The Sports Chumpions Arena will be live for 14 days till the end of the Pentathlete Puma event. Winning a battle in Sports Chumpions Arena rewards the players with 1 Pole & Medals.
Players can only use the themes or toons mentioned in the below image in Sports Chumpions Arena
Grand Sports Chumpions Arena:
Players will need 3 Poles to enter the Grand Sports Chumpions Arena & players can only enter the Grand Sports Chumpions Arena 3 times in a day. The Grand Sports Chumpions Arena will also be resetting every 24 hours.
Players will get tournament points after winning battles in the Grand Sports Chumpions Arena. Depending on the milestones players reach, they will receive Pentathlete Puma toon pieces.
The toons required for the Grand Sports Chumpions Arena are the same as Sports Chumpions Arena.
Players can login to our web portal and claim one FREE Pole everyday for the next 14 days starting tomorrow & the players will also be rewarded with an extra Pole on bonus days. Players can find when a bonus day is by logging into the game everyday for the duration of this event.
Bonus Grand Sports Chumpions Arena
Players will need 3 Poles to enter the Bonus Gran Sports Chumpions Arena & players can only enter the Bonus Grand Sports Chumpions Arena 2 times in a day
Players will get tournament points after winning battles in the Bonus Grand Sports Chumpions Arena. Depending on the milestones players reach, they will receive Pentathlete Puma toon pieces.
Bonus Grand Sports Chumpions Arena will only be available on bonus days during the course of this event. Players can find when a bonus day is by logging into the game everyday for the duration of this event.
Toons/Teams usable in Sports Chumpions Arena, Grand Sports Chumpions Arena & Bonus Grand Sports Chumpions Arena
Sports Chumpions Arena & Grand Sports Chumpions Arena Battle Mechanics
Sports Chumpions Arena & Grand Sports Chumpions Arena
Featured Teams
“Featured Teams”
Start by earning the Featured Teams to bring into the Arena!
Requires: Event Energy
Preview Duels
“Swing in the Air”
Bring Pentathlete Puma and Featured Toons to try them out in battle to get ACME Archer Coyote Tokens & rank up Pentathlete Puma!
Requires: Event Energy, Pentathlete Puma
ACME Archer Tokens can be used for acquiring ACME Archer Coyote pieces.
Collect Featured Toon Character Pieces | Earn Event Energy, Featured toon CP, Golden Tickets |
Upgrade Pentathlete Puma | Earn Gems, Golden Tickets, Event Energy, Pentathlete Puma Tune Up Materials |
Complete Cosmic Challenge Stages | Earn Cosmic Star Tokens; Purchase Cosmic Challenge Pass to increase your rewards |
Wheel | Spin with | Rewards | JACKPOT |
Pentathlete Puma Ticket Wheel | Golden Tickets | Featured Toon CP | 200-800 Hot Rod Ralph pieces |
Event Energy Details
-100 Event Seasonal Energy
-100 Starting Energy
-Recharge 1 energy every 6 minutes
-Refresh Cost: 50 gems (4 times), then 100 gems (4 times), then 200 gems
-Refresh Amount: 100 energy
NOTE: Instead of the regular exchanges where players could get their hands on featured toons. For this event, players will be able to get the whole teams of the featured toons rather than just getting the particular toons for the 2nd week.
Offers Store
Toon | Cost | Limit |
20 LeBron James | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Shooter Coyote | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Shooter Taz | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Shooter Road Runner | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Coach Daffy | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Dunker Bugs | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Dunker Lola | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Dunker Tweety | 300 Medal | 40 |
20 Hot Rod Ralph | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Jalopy Sam | 300 Medal | 40 |
12 F1 Cecil | 300 Medal | 40 |
12 Monster Truck Yosemite | 300 Medal | 40 |
20 Hippety Hopper | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Cornercat Sylvester Jr. | 300 Medal | 40 |
45 Contender Sylvester | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 The Crusher | 300 Medal | 40 |
20 El Espectro | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 El Relámpago | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 The Masked Terror | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 The Taz-Maniac | 300 Medal | 40 |
20 Toreador Speedy | 300 Medal | 40 |
45 Picador Sylvester Jr. | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Toro | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Matador Bugs | 300 Medal | 40 |
20 Evil Granny | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 The Rapthcallion | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Nova Bunny | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Supersonic Hopper | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Prizefighter Daffy | 300 Medal | 40 |
20 Hawk with No Name | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Yosemite Sam | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Desperado Dawg | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Undertaker Beaky Buzzard | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Queso Bandito | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 nasty canasta | 300 Medal | 40 |
45 Outlaw sylvester | 300 Medal | 40 |
20 Ronin Canasta | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 The Pig Kahuna | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Witchdoctor Hazel | 300 Medal | 40 |
45 Witch Hazel | 300 Medal | 40 |
45 Devil Dog | 300 Medal | 40 |
20 Monster Tweety | 300 Medal | 40 |
20 O’Pat | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 O’Mike | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Yokai Taz | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Revenant Road Runner | 300 Medal | 40 |
45 Gossamer | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Phantom le pew | 300 Medal | 40 |
20 Don Henery | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Babyface Finster | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Racketeer Rabbit | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Mugsy | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Rocky | 300 Medal | 40 |
20 Star-Pharaoh Daffy | 300 Medal | 40 |
20 Star-Pharaoh Marvin | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 K-9 | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Archon Elmer | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Marvin | 300 Medal | 40 |
45 Wildcard Wolf | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 M4rv1n | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 wile E. Coyote | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Litigator Lola | 300 Medal | 40 |
45 K’Chutha Sa’am | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Bat-Suit Wile | 300 Medal | 40 |
20 King Daffy | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 King Bugs Bunny | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Caesar Leghorn | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Conqueror Taz | 300 Medal | 40 |
20 Queen Lola | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Captain Bligh | 300 Medal | 40 |
20 Anubis K-9 | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Athena Petunia | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Hermes Road Runner | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Henery Horus | 300 Medal | 40 |
15 Penelope Bastet | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Thoth Beaky | 300 Medal | 40 |
20 Solid Tin Coyote | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Solid Tin Road Runner | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 Tweet-o-Tron | 300 Medal | 40 |
30 General Pandemonium | 300 Medal | 40 |