Say hello to Martian Prince Bugs, the craftiest critter this side of the galaxy! With her Looney Tunes charm, she’s a master of mischief and mayhem on the battlefield. Armed with a bag of tricks, she defends her team with style, taunting enemies with a wink and a grin while debuffing them into chaos. Don’t let that royal title fool you—this princess is all about stirring up trouble and evading capture with a twirl of her antennae. So watch out, folks, ’cause when Princess Bugs is in town, it’s bound to be one wild ride!
- Event Tokens: Martian Princess Bugs token
- Seasonal Token: Galactic Rings
- Global Events Energy: Event Energy

Overall Structure
Collect Space Carrots to spin the Martian Princess Bugs Wheel or use the Martian Princess Bugs exchange for guaranteed Martian Princess Bugs character pieces from Campaigns and Rank-up Martian Princess Bugs! Pick up more various toon pieces in the Event Store!
Each day, a new “Daily Chapter” will become available. Later chapters will require ranked-up Martian Princess Bugs. You can win 10 stages per daily chapter each day (whether that’s the first stage 10 times, the 10 stages one time each, or anything in-between). You can also farm previous daily chapters! Challenge yourself to get as far as you can each day, then return to past chapters with your newly ranked-up Martian Princess Bugs to tackle them again! If you do well each day and obtain enough Space Carrots throughout Space Opera Takeover, you can unleash the power of this Legendary toon!
Bring all your Space Opera Takeover takeover toons into the campaign to finish unlocking and rank-up Martian Princess Bugs! Remember, this toon requires 3000 pieces to unlock, but will join your team at 7 stars and ready to cause some cosmic havoc on your enemies!
Play through the Martian Princess Bugs Campaign’s “Sovereign Space Scramble” chapter to collect Seasonal Star Tokens, Space Carrots, Gold, and Martian Princess Bugs Pieces! This chapter exists primarily to obtain extra first-time rewards as you rank up Martian Princess Bugs throughout the event, but you can also farm Galactic Rings here.
You can now experience Martian princess in Chapter 1: Act 1 even if you haven’t yet unlocked her
Requires: Event Energy, ranked-up Martian Princess Bugs
Play through the Daily Chapters to collect Space Carrots, Galactic Rings, and Martian Princess Bugs character pieces!
Requires: Later acts require ranked-up Martian Princess Bugs + Space Opera Takeover toons.
NOTE: Daily chapters and quests change on daily reset (12 AM UTC). The first daily chapter will RESET 6 hours after the event begins.
Win Space Carrots, Star Tokens, Galactic Rings, and more!
Must be player level 40+
Spin the Event’s Golden Ticket Wheel | 500 |
Collect 1 Martian Empire and Space Rebel Piece | 10 |
Collect 1 Toon Piece (any Legendary toon) | 2 |
Collect 1 Toon Piece (any Bugs Bunny) | 1 |
Collect 1 Material: Galactic Ring | 1 |
Use 100 Event Energy | 1 |
Must be player level 20+
Collect ANY Rabbit Pieces | Earn Gold, Event Energy, Martian Princess Bugs token, Galactic Rings, and more! |
Complete Daily Quests | Earn Martian Princess Bugs Pieces, Martian Princess Bugs token, Space Carrots, and more! |
Wheel | Spin with | Rewards | JACKPOT |
Ticket Wheel | 3 Golden Tickets | Hyde Bugs CP | 200-800 Hyde Bugs pieces |
Space Carrots Wheel | 1000 Space Carrots | Martian Princess Bugs CP | 1000 – 1500 Martian Princess Bugs CP |
Event Energy Details
-100 Event Energy
-100 Starting Energy
-Recharge 1 energy every 6 minutes
-Refresh Cost: 50 gems (4 times), then 100 gems (4 times), then 200 gems
-Refresh Amount: 100 energy
Offers Store
Toon | Cost | Limit |
30 Duck Dodgers pieces | 300 Galactic Rings | 40 |
45 Space Cadet pieces | 300 Galactic Rings | 40 |
45 Starseeker Lola pieces | 300 Galactic Rings | 40 |
30 Racketeer Rabbit pieces | 300 Galactic Rings | 40 |
20 GI Bugs pieces | 300 Galactic Rings | 40 |
30 Medic Sam pieces | 300 Galactic Rings | 40 |
30 Commando Daffy pieces | 300 Galactic Rings | 40 |
30 Private Fudd pieces | 300 Galactic Rings | 40 |
20 Super Rabbit pieces | 300 Galactic Rings | 40 |
30 Presto Pig pieces | 300 Galactic Rings | 40 |
30 Iron Mutt pieces | 300 Galactic Rings | 40 |
30 Super Coyote pieces | 300 Galactic Rings | 40 |
30 Flaming Succotash pieces | 300 Galactic Rings | 40 |
30 Omega Chungus pieces | 300 Galactic Rings | 40 |
20 Dark Matter pieces | 300 Galactic Rings | 40 |
30 Toxic Destroyer pieces | 300 Galactic Rings | 40 |
30 Road Rash Sam pieces | 300 Galactic Rings | 40 |
30 Stupor Duck | 300 Galactic Rings | 40 |
That’s all, folks!
We had a super fun time bringing you the Space Opera takeover! We have been very intently reading all your thoughts & feedback. We look forward to bringing you more toon-tastic experiences soon.