Toonsters, Season 22 begins soon, so get ready for a festive & jolly season of Looney Tunes World of Mayhem!
Season 22

New Toons!
Penelope Bastet (Support, Desert)
Available: 12/7/23 – 12/14/23

Featured Toons:
Anubis K-9 | Dr. Frankenbeans |
Henery Horus | Mummy Ralph |
Hermes Road Runner | Count Bloodcount (No exchange) |
Athena Petunia | Zombie Sam |
Thoth Beaky (No exchange) | Zombie Granny (No exchange) |
Van Wile | Zombie Taz (No exchange) |
Petunia Unleashed (No exchange) | Zombie Chungus (No exchange) |
Big Bad Wolf | Bunny O’Hare |
Giant Elmer | Rocket Sylvester |
Red Riding Rabbit | Calavera Speedy |
Cecil Turtle | Lola of Liberty |
Ralph the Vampire |
Note: Featured toons are subject to change.
Nutcracker Taz (Defender, Summit)
Available: 12/14/23 – 12/21/23

Featured Toons:
Toymaker Marvin (No exchange) | Tazinsky |
Demolitionist Sam | Jester Bugs |
Blacque Jacque Shellacque | Daffy Miranda |
Auto-Mining Coyote | Zoot Suit Daffy |
Cart Baby Finster | Penelope Couture |
Chungus Claus | Pepe Le Bard |
O’Pat Frost | Yodel Le Pew |
Reindeer Road Runner | Photographer Sylvester |
Holiday Bugs Bunny | Bugs Bunny (Bonus) |
Elf Daffy Duck | Taz (Bonus) |
Toreador Speedy | Porky Pig (Bonus) |
Toro | Elmer Fudd (Bonus) |
Matador Bugs | Marvin (Bonus) |
Picador Sylvester Jr. | Egghead Jr. (Bonus) |
Flamenco Prissy |
Bah Humduck Daffy (Support, City)
Available: 12/21/23 – 12/28/23

Featured Toons for Bah Humduck Daffy will be communicated at a later date.
Battle Pass
The new Battle Pass will begin on 11th December. The Battle Pass will be available for 4 weeks.
Battle Pass Toon: Toymaker Marvin (Legendary Attacker, Space)

Please note: Event structure is subject to change before release.