Hey doc, Lucky Looney Lunar Lanterns are back! A revamped and reworked version of the Lucky Looney Lunar Lanterns event has arrived!

Let’s check this out!

Campaign highlights:

-Play the limited time campaign for Lunar Lanterns to spin the Looney Wheel. The campaign now has three Acts (all open from the start), with the final Act requiring a new Black Dynamite energy

-The tournament remains Alliance-based, with new rewards including Special Boost Cubes!

-Event Quests involve spinning the Looney Wheel and are located in a new tab called LOONEY!

-PLEASE NOTE: Gift Boxes and everything associated with them have been removed from the event. There are two Exchanges at the back of the Featured Store to exchange excess Gift Boxes from previous runs of this event. These Exchanges will NOT return, so please remember to exchange all Gift Boxes before the event is over.

Blue Dynamite and Black Dynamite energy information:

-Blue Dynamite energy has a cap of 6 and you start with 6. One Blue Dynamite refreshes every two hours. Purchasing or receiving Blue Dynamite energy as a reward will allow you to go over the cap of 6.

-Black Dynamite is a premium energy that has no cap and starts at zero. It does not refresh and must be purchased or received as rewards. Encourage your alliance to participate in this event and you ALL will receive Black Dynamite from the Tournament Milestones!