What’s up, doc?
We want to give you the heads-up of all new events coming in the next two weeks to World of Mayhem. This is just a high-level overview of our event scheduler with general information on the nature of the event, as well as main featured toons. As we get closer to each event, all their details will keep on appearing in the blog so don’t forget to check out regularly for more details!
Disclaimer: We reserve the right to modify any of the dates or featured toons that you see here. We will always indicate what information has been changed with an [UPDATED] tag attached to it.
And without any further ado, let’s see what we have in store for all of you!
July 13th | July 14th | July 15th | July 16th | July 17th | July 18th | July 19th |
The Don | The Don — Fan Vote: Sam Sheepdog | Fan Vote: Sam Sheepdog | Fan Vote: Sam Sheepdog | Fan Vote: Sam Sheepdog — The Reign of Frostbane — Hippety’s Path to Legendary | The Reign of Frostbane — Hippety’s Path to Legendary | The Reign of Frostbane — Hippety’s Path to Legendary |
July 20th | July 21st | July 22nd | July 23rd | July 24th | July 25th | July 26th |
The Reign of Frostbane — Hippety’s Path to Legendary | The Reign of Frostbane — Nobody Move! — Hippety’s Path to Legendary | Nobody Move! — Hippety’s Path to Legendary | Nobody Move! — Super Heroes! — Hippety’s Path to Legendary | Nobody Move! — Super Heroes! | Super Heroes! | Super Heroes! |
July 27th | July 28th | July 29th | July 30th | July 31st | August 1st | August 2nd |
Super Heroes! — Long time, No Sea! | Long time, No Sea! | Long time, No Sea! | Long time, No Sea! | Long time, No Sea! — New Event TBA | New Event TBA | New Event TBA |
The Don (July 10th to July 14th)

He’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse…
- Type of event: new event + new toon
- Main toon: [UPDATED] Legendary Don Henery
- Other featured toons: Nasty Canasta, Desperado Dawg, Speedy Gonzales, Queso Bandito, Yosemite Sam, Outlaw Foghorn, Mr. Bugs, Sylvester Slaszlo, Outlaw Sylvester, and Leopold.
Fan Vote Event: Sam Sheepdog & Friends (July 14th to July 17th)

Another fan vote event is coming to World of Mayhem! This time, we are featuring Sam Sheepdog and his friendly group of chaps.
- Type of event: new event + already existing toons
- Main toon: epic Sam Sheepdog
- Other featured toons: Sam Sheepdog, Grand Duke Sylvester, Outback Dawg, Officer Prissy, Barkeep Sheepdog, Ralph Wolf, Wildcard Wolf, Scarecrow Sylvester, and Miss Prissy.
The Reign of Frostbane (July 17th to July 21st)

Bbbbbbbrrrr, it’s getting cold in here! Lola Frostbane is making her trek to the Summit to join the World of Mayhem!
- Type of event: new event + new toon
- Main toon: epic Lola Frostbane
- Other featured toons: Yeti Gossamer, Speedskater Coyote, Winter Bugs, Tourist Daffy, Holiday Bugs Bunny, Hugo, Mountie Elmer, Yodel Le Pew, and Huntsman Porky.
Hippety Hopper’s Path to Legendary (July 17th to July 23rd)
We’ll be running for a few days this Hippety Hopper’s Path to Legendary. You can read more about it IN THIS BLOG POST.
- Type of event: Path to Legendary rerun
- Main toon: legendary Hippety Hopper
- Needed toons: Show Biz Daffy, Penelope Couture, Jester Bugs and Flamenco Prissy
Nobody Move, Everybody Gets Hurt! (July 21st to July 24th)

Bring your BEST ANTI-DODGE ATTACKERS because there’s NO DODGING ALLOWED for this event!
- Type of event: new event + already existing toons
- Main toon: epic Penelope
- Other featured toons: Elmer the Sure, Grand Duke Sylvester, Mail Runner, Tweety, Lola, Sylvester the Brash, Witch Hazel, Salesduck Daffy, Outlaw Foghorn, and Photographer Sylvester.
Super Heroes: It’s Super Rabbit and The Flaming Succotash! (July 23rd to July 27th)
The most dynamic Super Hero Duo in all of Looney Toons, Super Rabbit and The Flaming Succotash, have come to save the day!
- Type of event: new event + new toons
- Main toons: epic The Flaming Succotash and Legendary Super-Rabbit
- Other featured toons: Duck Dodgers, Speedy Gonzales, Master Speedy, Lunar Petunia, Space Cadet Porky, Mr Bugs, Daffy Hood, Scarlet Pumpernickel, and Leopold.
Long Time, No Sea! (July 27thd to July 31st)

Ahoy, Matey! All hand hoy for this event because Looney Tunes be gettin’ it’s sea legs on, and we goin’ somewhere no Landlubber be goin’ before!
- Type of event: new event + already existing toons
- Main toon: epic Sea Goin’ Sam
- Other featured toons: Nasty Canasta, Lola Frostbane, Queso Bandito, Desperado Dawg, Yosemite Sam, Outlaw Sylvester, Sylvester Slaszlo, Outlaw Foghorn, and Don Henery.